Location: Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

We are a group of Logistics students. Group members are Vannessa Ho, Pamela Loke, Evelyn Yeo, Zulfadhli and Sophia Tan. All of us are doing this blog for the first time to complete our DCM project!! Feel free to give us comments.. Thank you!

Origin of URL
    Origin of Blog's URL??
    log = LOGistical
    pac = PACkaging
    tives = creaTIVES & innovaTIVES
    And Hence, we are the logpactives who created this lovely blog *CLAPS*
Previous Posts Friends' Blog

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Innovative Packaging

Collapsible Crates

Collapsible crates are used in the distribution of diary products. The key feature of this crate is its ability to collapse, compact and prevent damage on the crate.

The normal crates are bulky and aesthetically unattractive; hence, supermarkets and cafés tend to leave the crates outside the store. Vendors will then collect the crates during the next delivery made. Thus, these crates would be subjected to theft and pilferage when left outside.

With these collapsible crates, it allows the diary industry to reduce amount spent on crates, which accumulates to millions of dollars a year. It also encourages shop owners to take better care of crates in their possession, as collapsible crates can now be left indoors.

link | posted by 2007-10 at 11:38 PM |


Anonymous Anonymous commented at January 18, 2007 at 11:31 PM~  

This collapsible crates or should i say it as a folderable crates is much useful if this product will be introduce to singapore local supplier market.Not only as mentioned that prevent damage on the crate, i should say it can save lots of space.

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