About Me
We are a group of Logistics students. Group members are Vannessa Ho, Pamela Loke, Evelyn Yeo, Zulfadhli and Sophia Tan. All of us are doing this blog for the first time to complete our DCM project!! Feel free to give us comments.. Thank you!
Thursday, January 18, 2007 Biopharmaceutical
Types of labels required when shipping pharmaceuticals:
Ø Infectious Substance Label (if shipment is declared infectious) Ø Diagnostic Specimens or Biological Specimens Packed in Compliance with IATA Packing Instruction (if non infectious) Ø Dry Ice (Misc. 9) Label (only if shipment is packed on dry ice) Ø Proper Shipping Name (typed label or written on the box) Ø UN or ID # (typed label or written on the box) Ø Name and address of both Shipper and Consignee (to include individual name and telephone numbers). Ø Indicate the "Responsible Person" for the shipment. Ø Orientation Labels (this side up) Ø Please refrigerate, Keep Frozen (if applicable) Ø Inner packages comply with prescribed specifications/ Overpack label (when using an overpack) The following are standard packaging labels required when transporting Infectious Substances. **Note: UN Class 9 label to be used if dry-ice is used. To indicate quantity of dry-ice used as well The following are standard packaging labels required when transporting Dangerous Goods. **Note: UN Class 9 label to be used if dry-ice is used. To indicate quantity of dry-ice used as well
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