Location: Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

We are a group of Logistics students. Group members are Vannessa Ho, Pamela Loke, Evelyn Yeo, Zulfadhli and Sophia Tan. All of us are doing this blog for the first time to complete our DCM project!! Feel free to give us comments.. Thank you!

Origin of URL
    Origin of Blog's URL??
    log = LOGistical
    pac = PACkaging
    tives = creaTIVES & innovaTIVES
    And Hence, we are the logpactives who created this lovely blog *CLAPS*
Previous Posts Friends' Blog

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Nutritional Label

With today's food labels, consumers get:

-Nutrition information about almost every food

-Distinctive, easy-to-read formats that enable consumers to more quickly find the information they need to make healthy food choices

-Information on the amount per serving of saturated fat, cholesterol, dietary fiber, and other nutrients of major health concern

-Nutrient reference values, expressed as % Daily Values, that help consumers see how a food fits into an overall daily diet

-Single common interpretation for terms that describe a food's nutrient content--such as "light," "low-fat," and "high-fiber"--to ensure that such terms mean the same for any product on which they appear

-Nutrition Facts are helpful for people who are concerned about maintaining a healthy diet, to avoid health-related condition, such as calcium and osteoporosis, and fat and cancer.

-Standardized serving sizes that allows for nutritional comparisons of similar products

link | posted by 2007-10 at 10:34 PM |


Anonymous Anonymous commented at January 20, 2007 at 12:56 AM~  

This label to me is kind of useless..I do not know wat is the healthy level for fats carbohydrates or whatever

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