- Name: 2007-10
- Location: Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore
We are a group of Logistics students. Group members are Vannessa Ho, Pamela Loke, Evelyn Yeo, Zulfadhli and Sophia Tan. All of us are doing this blog for the first time to complete our DCM project!! Feel free to give us comments.. Thank you!
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log = LOGistical
pac = PACkaging
tives = creaTIVES & innovaTIVES
And Hence, we are the logpactives who created this lovely blog *CLAPS*
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Friday, January 19, 2007
Hazard Warning Labels
Dangerous goods are divided into nine classes based on their hazardous properties.
All packages and containers, shipping containers, unit loads, tankers, etc. which hold dangerous goods for transport must carry the correct Class Label.
This label (Warning Diamond) shows the nature of the hazard by the colour and symbol, and the Class of the goods by numeral.
The responsibility for classification of products lies with the manufacturer or person packaging the products. Warning Diamonds are required under National and International legislation to Transport Hazardous Material Substances, by road, rail, sea and air.
link | posted by 2007-10 at 1:08 AM |
commented at January 21, 2007 at 12:57 PM~
The labels are still understandable to those who dont study chemical also
commented at January 21, 2007 at 9:44 PM~
The classes of the signs are differentiate clearly. But, if can provide sample of where one can usually see the signs, that will be better. E.g. Which product or destination can I find with the sign of Class 5.1 (example)
commented at January 22, 2007 at 4:47 PM~
Simple yet informative. Pictures are available to attract attention. But I think the content per link is abit too wordy. This may discourage students or short-attention span people like me.
commented at January 22, 2007 at 5:18 PM~
A very clear explanation of different class of hazardous signsthus allowing readers to understand them very easily. surly it will be very helpful for those that is doing a research on these sighs.
commented at January 22, 2007 at 5:19 PM~
Sorry for the spelling mistakes. This blog provide a very clear explanation of different class of hazardous signs. Thus allowing readers to understand them very easily. It will be very helpful for those that is doing a research on these signs.
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